Key Stage 2 is a part of the National Curriculum that sets out which subjects have to be taught to children between the ages of 7 and 11 in Years 3 to 6. Key Stage 2 is taught in primary schools and core subjects such as English, Maths and Science must be taught to comply with the National Curriculum in England.

Standard Attainment Tests (SAT)

At the end of Year 6 which marks the end of Key Stage 2, all children are required to take a set of National Curriculum tests known as SATs (Standard Attainment Tests).

The tests taken in May of Year 6 at the end of Key Stage 2 are:

  • English grammar, punctuation and spelling
  • English reading (reading and understanding text)
  • Mathematics (arithmetic and reasoning)
  • Science (biology, chemistry and physics)

Standard Attainment Tests (SAT) give parents some idea of how well their child has done in Key Stage 2. Whether your child’s ability is below the standard of the pre-key stage or working towards the expected standard, we can help them improve their ability to a greater depth within the expected standard.